The BEAT GOES ON! Here is the long awaited BEAT 2 and BEAT 2 light! You will experience the clearly better, more forgiving take off behaviour. You may immediately feel the better handling, higher agility, even more „defined“ feedback. The playful ease with which you dance your way to the top of the thermalling pulk…

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Die erste SCALA 2 sind draussen und sorgen für Furore! Die Grössen 18, 19, 20, 21 und 23 sind zertifiziert und werden ausgeliefert. Mehr und mehr Piloten testen den Flügel und schicken uns ihr Feedback: „WOW! Was für eine Rennmaschine!“ Teste sie selbst!

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SCALA 2 light

Die ersten SCALA 2 light sind angekommen! Die Grössen 18 and 19 haben die Gütesiegeltests mit einer EN C Einstufung erfolgreich bestanden. Nicht nur die Zertifizierung (SCALA 1 war EN D) ist unterschiedlich. Wir haben viele Parameter verbessert und optimiert: -Flügel und Aufhängungen sind unterschiedlich. -Segelspannung (Ballooning) ist neu. -Das gesamte Aufhängungssystem ist neu: Dies…

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TENOR 2 light

Hier kommt der TENOR 2 light! Wie die normale Version hat auch die leichte Version im Vergleich zu ihrem bereits ultraleichten Vorgänger an Gewicht verloren (und ist sogar etwas größer)! Der TENOR 2 light hat ca. 200 g weniger Gewicht (je nach Größe). Auch hier ist der gesamte Flügel aus doppelt beschichtetem Skytex 27 gefertigt.…

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Die ersten TENOR 2 sind schon im Lager und könnten schon übermorgen bei Euch sein! TENOR 2 21, 23 und TENOR 2 light 21 und 23 in allen Farben! TENOR 2 19 und TENOR 2 light 19 machen wir gerade fit für das Gütesiegel: wir hoffen die werden in den nächsten Tagen getestet. Das Feedback…

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The VIOLA 2 ist hier! Sie ist trotz Miniribs in der Nase noch leichter als die 1. Version! -und viel ausgewogener! Besserer Start, bessere Rolldämpfung, besseres Handling: aber was erzähle ich Euch! -probiert es selber aus!

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Der SOLA GT ist ein SOLA aus robusterem Tuch für den harten Schulungseinsatz und vieles mehr… Die Zertifizierung ist geschafft: Die ersten Flügel sind ausgeliefert! Teste sie! Fliegen kann so herrlich einfach und unkompliziert sein!

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Lange erwartet und von vielen ersehnt: jetzt ist sie hier: die Superleicht-Version der SYMPHONIA 2! -und sie ist tatsächlich sehr leicht! Die ersten Seriengeräte sind schon im Lager! Hol Dir einen Demo und probier ihn aus!

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Sei bereit für eine neue Ära in der High B Klasse! Mit 76 Zellen, zusätzlichen Miniribs und einigen neuen Technologien zeigt der MAESTRO 2 eine beispiellose Formstabilät und Oberflächengüte. Wir können Dir den größten Leistungssprung präsentieren, den wir je von einer Generation zur nächsten erreicht haben.

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Wir lernen laufend dazu. Wir lernen mit jedem Prototypen, den wir bauen und analysieren. Wir lernen etwas über Leistungsflügel und Sicherheitskonzepte am unteren Ende des Spektrums. Wir sind immer mehr in der Lage, Leistung und Sicherheit zu einem neuen Gleichgewicht zu kombinieren: Hier ist die SONATA 2!

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Vor ca viereinhalb Jahren haben wir einen lustig gestreiften A-Klasse-Flügel eingeführt, der so viel kostet wie ein High-B-Schirm. Wir haben dann auch kommuniziert, dass dieser Flügel High B-Performance bietet! -viele Konkurrenten haben uns ausgelacht! – allen ist inzwischen das Lachen vergangen! 🙂 Wir haben mit der SYMPHONIA nicht nur eine neue Klasse geschaffen und die…

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Please welcome the SOLA! Our new superlight and supereasy low A wing! -a glider that many have been waiting for: maximum safety, damping and simplicity paired with minimum weight.

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RONDO flying with music.

RONDO flying with music. ...

Rescue sink test.

Rescue sink test. ...

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PHI - a paragling brand of Papesh GmbH

RONDO 230 certification is done now. We had sucessful tests flights yesterday. Thanks to all test pilots. 
The smaller sized RONDO 210 is going to be tested in the next days.
There are 2 versions: with uncovered 8001 lines (PPSLS main lines on A and B), called RONDO C.
-and with all covered lines: RONDO.
As production is starting now, custom colors are free!
We are collecting oders.Image attachmentImage attachment

RONDO 230 certification is done now. We had sucessful tests flights yesterday. Thanks to all test pilots.
The smaller sized RONDO 210 is going to be tested in the next days.
There are 2 versions: with uncovered 8001 lines (PPSLS main lines on A and B), called RONDO C.
-and with all covered lines: RONDO.
As production is starting now, custom colors are free!
We are collecting oders.
... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

2 weeks ago

2 KommentareComment on Facebook

Butch Delayaute dommage que ça devienne impayable...

5500??? Huh, pg recession is on and prices are going "sky"high

Red Bull X-alps for athletes starts on 15. June.
Red Bull X-alps for manufacturers started a while ago. Goal will be in less than a month on the February 24:

Athletes and Supporters who plan to paraglide must provide documentation that their equipment fulfills the requested standards at the equipment check. The certification of the paraglider and harness has to be finished by the certification institute by February 24, 2025, at the latest and must be made publicly available at least 8 weeks before the Prologue, including the material list of certification relevant parts and total line lengths.

-so traditionally we are in a hurry these days to get the latest race machine certified in time.
-and it is different this time!
We go for a dedicated D wing!
Ar 7.2, 94 cells, super high performance, super high speed.
-and still reasonable light weight. 
We will be not as light as others, we have the priority more on performance. So in the case, it will be more flying than running (like last time), we will have the better wing.

-stay tuned for more details...Image attachment

Red Bull X-alps for athletes starts on 15. June.
Red Bull X-alps for manufacturers started a while ago. Goal will be in less than a month on the February 24:

Athletes and Supporters who plan to paraglide must provide documentation that their equipment fulfills the requested standards at the equipment check. The certification of the paraglider and harness has to be finished by the certification institute by February 24, 2025, at the latest and must be made publicly available at least 8 weeks before the Prologue, including the material list of certification relevant parts and total line lengths.

-so traditionally we are in a hurry these days to get the latest race machine certified in time.
-and it is different this time!
We go for a dedicated D wing!
Ar 7.2, 94 cells, super high performance, super high speed.
-and still reasonable light weight.
We will be not as light as others, we have the priority more on performance. So in the case, it will be more flying than running (like last time), we will have the better wing.

-stay tuned for more details...
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2 weeks ago

12 KommentareComment on Facebook

Cannot wait to fly this beauty! Phi Presto? Presto: Very fast; and prestissimo, the greatest possible speed.

As a matter of fact the scala 2 was a "tiny" D. But 7.2 AR is a huge step. The scala 2 at 6.77 is very strong against collapses so I expect all your knowledge will stay in that beautifull wing.

Awesome, cool to see someone doing it differently! Most manufacturers seem to be sticking between 6.5 and 6.8ar. Looking forward to seeing how it performs!

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Congratulations to Tom Hodgkin!
Tom under his SCALA 2 won the the Sports class of the British Winter Open in Columbia with a very big margin!
-and place 4 in serial class!
-and place 5 british overall!
-really amazing! attachment

Congratulations to Tom Hodgkin!
Tom under his SCALA 2 won the the Sports class of the British Winter Open in Columbia with a very big margin!
-and place 4 in serial class!
-and place 5 british overall!
-really amazing!
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3 weeks ago

4 KommentareComment on Facebook

Impressive result, winning by such a big margin! 😎👏 The Scala 2 has the best glide of any EN C wing I’ve tested—both at trim and full speed. It’s solid, collapse-resistant, and its top speed—the fastest I’ve tested—is very usable with excellent rear riser control. Handling is more agile than most 2-liners, and it’s a joy to fly. If I were racing in sports class, this would be my pick! ✅ Of course, it’s the pilot who makes the magic happen, but having the best-performing wing certainly helps! 🪂🦅

no wonder with that xc machine : )

Amazing 🥰

CABRIO additional protector selection.
Our new versatile harness CABRIO is able to be equipped with several additional protectors for back and hip. We are just selecting...Image attachmentImage attachment

CABRIO additional protector selection.
Our new versatile harness CABRIO is able to be equipped with several additional protectors for back and hip. We are just selecting...
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3 weeks ago

1 KommentarComment on Facebook

Oh génial !

Our work is bearing fruit now!
We already had our new modular harness CABRIO certified a few weeks ago. But we were not satisfied with the protector test result of 26g / 26g: measured without rescue in it an with rescue in the compartment.
Even 50 is the limit asked by the norm, we wanted to reach the super good values below 20 we had in earlier tests.
Only a few harnesses on the market have vaules slightly under 20: check out the database at
So we went back to our workshop and investigated. Yesterday we repeated the test and were able to rech a new record: 16.5 / 15.5!
... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

1 month ago

8 KommentareComment on Facebook

Glad to see some design work going to harness safety. How is the airbag surviving the reversible process, does it have Nitinol wires? I've seen a lot of reversible airbags not very functional after a year of use. And will the harness achieve those impressive G numbers without being pre inflated?

Well done ! Do the same with a coverleg + a tail, the rescue in the back with handle under the armpit, all below 3kg and i'll buy it !

Dear Hannes, dear Eugene, congrats on the amazing results! Thanks for setting safety as the first goal! When will the harness be on the european market?

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